Friday, December 12, 2014

Laser Cut/3D Print Results

The laser cutting request was submit this past Tuesday.

Rotating Base
Unfortunately, due to a mix up in orders and limited resources, the group could only use a cardboard specimen of the right dimensions (8" diameter) for the design. This proves to be a key factor in the rest of the development of the project. 
Notice the duct tape at the end of the slider... The force in testing was such that it tore through. 
Additionally, all screw eyes and brackets are no longer usable as they tear straight through the corrugated cardboard, rendering it relatively useless. 
The group will attempt to overcome this through whatever means possible.
Catch (with springs attached)
The key point of the catch is that the notch cut at its very top is so thin the pins we planned to insert may actually break it in use. We are conducting all tests using duct tape as our new bonding agent, as it seems to be the most reliable and less destructive on our cardboard base. This was unexpected, however, could have been adjusted for with better knowledge of the laser we were using.

The stands are by no means a friction fit in the base, however, they fit well enough such that a bit of mounting clay around the joints has them snug.
Unfortunately, in testing it was found that the cardboard allows too much wiggle room between the notches, and is likely to tear...
Videos of this will be posted soon.
 Angle Slider
Fortunately, the angle slider worked well!
Until it broke the cardboard base.... and a couple springs.
 Angle Grips
... Please ignore the extra hole.

... Also the IR remote is working, up and down control the launch angle, left and right control rotation, power raises/lowers the catch.

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