Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Possible Remotes

I found a few remotes that could be used to control our ping pong ball cannon.  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Big Changes

We decided to switch from our etchasketch idea to a ping pong ball cannon! Here are the first few sketches we designed. Essentially, our goal is to create a platform inside a barrel which can be automatically compressed and released by an arduino control board and several motors. This will propel the ping pong ball.
Additionally, we would like to account for an adjustable launch angle (which may be done using a rotating egg shaped mechanism), as well as a rotating base.

New Team Name: Team Ping-Pong Ball Launcher (PPBL)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

RC Controller

I managed to pop open an old RC car from home. Now we've got a Radio transmitter/receiver  to work with, a battery pack, and some servo motors.
The original controller has controls for each individual motor as well as a button which moves both at once. 
Maybe a similar configuration could be used in order to make diagonal lines?

*I've also opened up the controller now, and there is an antenna for increased range.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Team Name: DJA arduino etchaskech

 Our goal is to create an arduino controlled device to move a head in 2 dimensions, in order to create drawings. Create a manual as well as a code bases control interface. Hopefully create some preloaded drawings using the code based control interface.
This is to satisfy the Mechanical Design Lab I requirement, given the instruction to "make something that moves" and to have a good time doing it.

Team Picture

This video shows a simalar type of machine but moving the bases instead on the head.